Viscoll - Collagen Membrane for Corneal Repair
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Mechanism of Action
The Key Characteristics of A Medical Device
Biocompatibility, low immunogenicity and non-toxicity.
Viscoll® collagen extracted from healthy animal tissues is used to manufacture the Product. Obtaining the extract as a true solution (not a suspension) of native (not denatured) protein provides complete biochemical purification of collagen from potentially immunogenic impurities, which is controlled by appropriate immunological testing. Viscoll® collagen preparations are obtained sterile, apirogenic, completely bioresorbable and irritation-free at implantation, neither in the short nor in the long term.
The developed technology allows to create optically transparent collagen membranes, which retain their transparency when implanted into the corneal stroma.
The product possesses sufficient mechanical properties to perform standard surgical manipulations, for fixation in the place of implantation with a standard surgical suture using 10/0 or 8/0 thread.
The product is sterile by aseptic production process.
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