Viscoll - Collagen for Repairing Soft Tissue Defects
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Mechanism of Action
The Key Characteristics of A Medical Device
Viscoll® collagen extracted from healthy animal tissues is used to manufacture the Product. Obtaining the extract as a true solution (not a suspension) of native (not denatured) protein provides complete biochemical purification of collagen from potentially immunogenic impurities, which is controlled by appropriate immunological testing. Viscoll® collagen are sterile, apirogenic, completely bioresorbable, and irritation-free at implantation, neither in the short nor in the long term.
Thermosensitive hydrogelThe time for hydrogel formation at +37°? and in a neutral pH range is 3-5 minutes.
Adapted for the cell transplantationThe product can be mixed with the cell suspension. Cells inside the collagen hydrogel retain their viability for a long time.
Adapted for 3D bioprintingCan be used as a bioink for 3D bioprinting.
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