

- Collagen for Repairing Soft Tissue Defects

The product is a translucent, colorless collagen hydrogel in injectable form made of highly purified type I collagen isolated from porcine tendons. The product is intended to replace soft tissue defects. The product can be used for treatment of scars on the face and body (atrophic, post-traumatic, post-surgical, post-acne, and stretch marks), as well as for skin recovery after laser resurfacing, chemical peelings, insolation, plastic surgery, and preparation for them.

Mechanism of Action

The introduction of the product into the defected zone allows it to fill all the necessary space and take on the mechanical loads in the affected area. After implantation into the soft tissues, 4% collagen hydrogel, obtained by mixing collagen with an additional component, quickly forms a dense structure that can hold its shape and resist the force of compression of the surrounding tissue. After implantation, cells from the surrounding tissues, such as fibroblasts, penetrate the implant after injection as early as day 3. Once the cells have populated the implant, they begin to recycle it, replacing it with their own extracellular matrix. Thus, their own normal functioning tissue is formed, and the implant is resorbed. Complete biodegradation of the product takes up to 2-3 months.

The Key Characteristics of A Medical Device

Biocompatibility, low immunogenicity and non-toxicity.

Viscoll® collagen extracted from healthy animal tissues is used to manufacture the Product. Obtaining the extract as a true solution (not a suspension) of native (not denatured) protein provides complete biochemical purification of collagen from potentially immunogenic impurities, which is controlled by appropriate immunological testing. Viscoll® collagen are sterile, apirogenic, completely bioresorbable, and irritation-free at implantation, neither in the short nor in the long term.

Thermosensitive hydrogel

The time for hydrogel formation at +37°? and in a neutral pH range is 3-5 minutes.

Adapted for the cell transplantation

The product can be mixed with the cell suspension. Cells inside the collagen hydrogel retain their viability for a long time.

Adapted for 3D bioprinting

Can be used as a bioink for 3D bioprinting.

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