Vimed - Telemedicine-Based Rehabilitation System for Home Environment
From Vimed - Telemedicine Solutions - Telemedical Systems for Aftercare and Telemonitoring
In the broad sense of the word rehabilitation means to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those persons with physical or mental disorders into the professional and/or social life (e.g. SGB IX – German Social Security Code). The rehabilitation process in a rehabilitation clinic is usually limited to several weeks, however, the question is how do we track success with a therapy in cases of discontinuance and/or withdrawal of the therapy. For example, success of neurological rehabilitation often becomes obvious only after several months of continuous monitoring. To enable, the monitoring of the treatment of neuro-motor deficits, a telemedicine-based platform for rehabilitation and professional telepresence solution is an effective solution in such cases.
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Products Details
The newest telemedicine-based VIMED® TELEREHAB can perform such tasks. VIMED® TELEREHAB is especially designed for telemedicine-based rehabilitation for the recovery of neuro-motor functions of the upper limbs. The telemedicine solution supports using complex evidence-based treatment-measurements for recovering activities of daily live (ADL):
These are basically:
- Selective Repetitive Movements (SRM),
- Arm Ability Training (AAT)
- Music Supported Therapy (MST).
Loss of concentration and motivation during of the rehabilitation process with repetitive treatment practices will be offset with a helpful combination of audiovisual virtual rehabilitation games and neuro-motor exercises. The special game strategies on the multimedia base will be utilised. The patient should solve the game-related tasks using real utensils, for example, a real music instrument. The therapy process can be controlled by the therapist in real time via a solution for medical video communication. In case, there is no therapist available, the system can generate corrective feedback for the patients during the rehabilitation process, automatically. After every training session the system visualizes the achieved success with the therapy for the patient. VIMED® TELEREHAB is an open platform and if required it can be extended to support more rehabilitation practices.
Neurological rehabilitation with VIMED® TELEREHAB can provide a more effective organization of the rehabilitation process between the in- and out-patient sectors as well as increasing the effect of the whole rehabilitation process.
*The system was developed within the EU- research project “StrokeBack”.
- Diverse training practices with actual utensils
- Database with evidence-based rehabilitation practices
- Individual training plans
- Audiovisual communication between patient and therapist
- Cross-sectoral therapeutical patient care
- Uninterrupted rehabilitation process
- Increase training intesity
- Interactive design of the training process
- Motivation for the long-term training
- Evaluation of the rehabilitation process
- Open platform for integration of new rehabilitation practices
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