308 Systems Incorporated

308 Systems Incorporated

- Civilian Communications and Information Exchange System



Communications and information exchange are the American Medical Association's (AMA) and the American Public Health Association's (APHA) second highest priority in preparing the nation's health system against terrorist and other potential mass casualty events. With the health system already overwhelmed, its ability to respond to terrorist or natural disasters will be severely limited without easily deployable, integrated, and easy to operate equipment.

Products Details


When Patient Tracking Speed and Accuracy are Paramount

Supporting the AMA/APHA goals, our TRA-KIT™ is a multi-user 'Briefcase Patient/Asset Tracking Center.' Our lightweight, battery powered, man portable patient tracking center also contains a robust communications platform capable of providing Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT), health departments, hospitals and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and other first responders the ability to efficiently input and track patient condition and location information. Combined with your preferred Patient Tracking Software, the TRA-KIT™ provides a robust method to expedite movement of patients during stressful situations.

Using the TRA-KIT™ reachback communications capabilities, your field Teams can also establish satellite or cellular based communications to coordinate with each other and also with emergency operations centers, hospitals, and related locations around the globe.

Customized for your needs, the TRA-KIT™ can easily be operated from a car, boat or even placed on an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) allowing you to register and account for patients at a casualty collection point, evacuation center or field hospital anywhere!

Equipped with multiple handheld mobile scanners/PDAs/card swipe/proximity card readers, Multiple First Responders can use a single TRA-KIT™ to quickly initiate patient registration and medical condition documentation by scanning an existing patient ID (bar code, prox card, etc) or use the TRA- KIT to create a bar code label on-scene.

User Agencies have identified the following benefits to TRA-KIT™ deployment.

  • Monitor movement of patients and transfer of patient information across agency jurisdictions.
  • Track decontamination efforts during a CBRE incident.
  • Enhance response and communication capabilities to both urban and rural events.
  • Enhance service to Special Need populations.
  • Improve learning during Agency training, drills and exercise events.
  • Enhance implementation of the statewide EMS mutual aid plan.
  • Speed dissemination of family member location/status information.
  • Provide advanced notification of incoming patients.
  • Integrates with the Incident Command Structure (ICS).
  • Support deployment of pharmaceutical caches.
  • Print pharmaceutical prescription drug labels and field dispense prescription drugs.
  • Print tracking barcode labels and wristbands.
  • And more...

Using the handheld scanners/PDAs/cardswipe/prox card readers, Team members can register patients and evacuees, document their condition and identify their current location. As patients move to other hospitals or evacuation centers the information can quickly be transmitted to a receiving location or the TRA-KIT™ can move with patients to a new location. From triage to release, casualties can now be accurately accounted for.

Technical Specifications

During public health emergencies, disasters, and terrorism response, the TRA-KIT™ enables Health Department, Hospital, EMS and First Responder personnel to significantly improve patient tracking from initial triage through final discharge from the medical system.

When integrated with your preferred Patient Tracking software application, the TRA-KIT™ provides a secure and redundant communications system that ensures connectivity during a terrorist incident or other public health emergency.

Options available in the modular TRA-KIT™ system include
  • Multiple handheld wireless scanners/PDAs/cardswipe/proximity card readers
  • User selected Patient Tracking software applications
  • Up to 14 hour battery life, 90-240 VAC Power, 9-32 VDC Power
  • Environmentally secure carrying case
  • Rugged Pentium laptop computer
  • Wireless LAN(802.11)
  • Digital still camera
  • Local printer (pharmaceutical labels, bar codes, etc)
  • Internet connection
  • Communication Security
  • And More...
Base Configuration
  • Light Weight Rugged Case (18' x 14' x 7')
  • Ruggedized Laptop
  • Wireless 802.11 LAN
  • Halogen Light
  • Power Supply/Battery
  • Data Collection Devices
  • Satellite Phones
  • Digital Video Camera
  • Second Battery Pack
  • …and more

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