Thermo Fisher Scientific, LIMS & Laboratory Software

Thermo Fisher Scientific, LIMS & Laboratory Software

- SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay


Coronavirus surveillance testing for population-level occurrence. For universities, businesses, and communities eager to reconnect and resume everyday activities, surveillance testing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is essential to helping monitor population level occurrence. Our PCR testing research solution enables comprehensive, high-frequency surveillance testing at a scale to support your entire community.


Questions you may have about implementing a surveillance testing program
  • Should we develop a testing program with vaccines on the horizon?
  • Is it easy to deploy?
  • How often will we need to test everyone?
  • Can we trust the data?
  • How much will it cost?
Answers to your questions

Even with vaccines on the horizon, it is important to develop a surveillance testing program for your population.

Are you a scientist?

The Applied Biosystems TaqCheck SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay combines the quality results you expect from gold-standard PCR technology with rapid answers to help you drive decisions to keep your community safe.

Fast- each high-throughput kit provides 1,200 direct-to-PCR reactions 
Cost effective - helps reduce infrastructure, supply, reagent, and personnel costs across the entire workflow
Easy to use - simplified, gold-standard PCR workflow from raw saliva; leverages cutting-edge Applied Biosystems QuantStudio Design & Analysis software

Find out how the TaqCheck SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay can help enable your lab to provide maximum surveillance testing research support.

While promising vaccines are beginning to roll out...

While promising vaccines are beginning to roll out, it will take time for enough people to be vaccinated to reach a threshold sufficient to slow the spread of the virus. It is critical to continue to maintain surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 at a community or population level to identify the incidence and prevalence of the occurrence. This data analysis is essential to planning, implementing, and maintaining practices to keep people safe.

Implementing a surveillance testing plan is easier than you may think

Figure 1. Streamlined sample workflow enables quic...

Figure 1. Streamlined sample workflow enables quick collection to results

The TaqCheck SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay makes it easy to process samples. Using raw saliva samples, the test is easy to use and requires no special devices or techniques. Each kit can test up to 1,200 samples using a format that makes it simple for a lab to process and analyze data quickly.

Test frequently and often

The frequency with which you test depends on many factors, including test positivity rate, the size of the community, your community’s tolerance for disease outbreak, operational capabilities, and budget. CDC recommendations (1) and analytical modeling studies (2,3) provide further information that may help you develop a strategy that works best for your community.

Gold-standard PCR testing offers trusted results

The TaqCheck SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay uses trusted PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technology, a scientific methodology that can detect the genetic information of the novel coronavirus, even at low levels. Simply no other type of test can provide answers as definitively as PCR.

Coronavirus testing with the TaqCheck SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay is affordable

Because the TaqCheck SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay is easy to use and scalable, it costs significantly less than other methods. By eliminating the need for expensive collection devices and extraction instruments, and minimizing staffing requirements and use of supplies and safety equipment, TaqCheck testing offers a lower total price per sample than other methods.

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