Shanghai Siyi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Shanghai Siyi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

- Model SY-HR03E - Exoskeleton for Walking



The EasyWalk - China’s first soft lower limb exoskeleton with more than 30 patents, combines bionic structural design and artificial intelligence control algorithms. The AI algorithm can adapt to the needs of the wearer and provide the best assistance strategy. It allows the wearer to say goodbye to cumbersomeness and uncomfortableness. In the future, it will be a life assistant for patients with stroke, spinal paralysis, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, and the elderly.

Product Details

Syrebo household hand rehabilitation robot,making home rehabilitation more simple!

  • Place of Origin: Shanghai, China
  • Model Number: SY-HR03E
  • Warranty:1 Year
  • Application:stroke, cerebral hemorrhage
  • Function: Hand and finger rehabilitation training systems
  • Regaining New Life, Start From Your Hands

Bionic Structure Design

Using the power transmission of Bowden line to provide assistance, so as not to affect people's own freedom.


It is light and weighs less than 3 kg (and it's concentrated on the waist), no rigid frame, more fixed by textile, comfortable to wear. Bionic drive, which helps at the muscle key, not directly acts on joint assistance. The product is real-time force control, multi-channel security protection is safe, and the sound control emergency stop (patent has been applied for invention) is adopted.

AI algorithm

By wearing sensor data, the product can identify the time point in the gait cycle that needs assistance, and adapt to various walking patterns.(normal walking, up and down stairs/slope, etc..)

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