SomnoMed SomnoDent - Model Flex - Dental Material
SomnoMed realizes that no two patients are alike, which is why we pride ourselves on delivering a suite of devices with a wide array of options to treat your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients.
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SomnoDent Oral Devices
SomnoMed® realizes that no two patients are alike, which is why we pride ourselves on delivering a suite of devices with a wide array of options to treat your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients.
SomnoMed® has developed the SomnoDent® family of oral devices – a collection of clinically proven oral devices leveraging the most innovative technology.
In our state-of-the-art, ISO 13485 certified facilities, SomnoMed’s skilled laboratory specialists work diligently, using the utmost care, accuracy, and precision, while adhering to the highest standards of quality to provide you and your patients with reliable and effective premium oral devices.
The standard for comfort and effectiveness
SomnoMed® is the global leader in the design and manufacture of oral appliances for sleep apnea.
Since commencing manufacture of oral appliances in 2004, SomnoMed® has continuously improved the SomnoDent range, focusing on enhancing comfort and improving the treatment of sleep apnea.
The comfort of the SomnoDent appliances is due to our proprietary b-flex Comfort Liner. The b-flex Comfort Liner cradles your teeth, gently keeping the oral appliance on your teeth while you sleep.
Our latest innovations are incorporated into the SomnoDent Avant, which encourages you to breathe via your nose instead of your mouth for a more comfortable night’s sleep.
Oral appliance therapy trusted by patients around the world
Based on the original invention by Dr. Richard Palmisano, SomnoMed® manufactures devices globally. With continuous improvement and scientifically validated results, SomnoMed has become one of the largest oral device companies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea worldwide. Below is our range or oral appliances. Click the below to view them.
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