Smartizon Medical Group Limited

- Model SPC-900A - Vital Signs Monitor



SPC-900A Vital Signs Monitor is multi-functional equipment designed for monitoring the vital physiological signs of the patient. It is used to monitor continuous CO2 and SpO2, and report the End-tidal Carbon dioxide (EtCO2), insred CO2 (InsCO2), resratory rate (RR) value, pulse oxygen saturation value (SpO2), pulse rate (PR) of the intubated and non-intubated patient.


  • Applicable for Emergency Medical Service, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) etc;
  • End-tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO2), Insred Carbon Dioxide (InsCO2), Resration Rate (RR), SpO2 and Pulse Rate (PR) are displayed by big, bright numerical LEDs;
  • CO2 waveform, SpO2 plethysmogram and system parameters are displayed on dot matrix LCD screen;
  • CO2 measuring module with advanced technology for quick and accurate EtCO2 and RR measurement;
  • Unique SpO2 measuring technique ensures sensitive and accurate SpO2, PR measurement;
  • EtCO2 and SpO2 trend graph display for last 12, 24, or 96 hours;
  • Audible & visible alarm with 3 levels of alarm events;
  • Nurse call output is available;
  • Built-in printer is optional to print out waveforms, and text information.

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