SKINTACT - Stress Test & Holter ECG Electrodes
Excellent Trace Quality. Quick and consistently excellent signal quality is obtained with all three gels: Aqua-Wet, Aqua-Tac and Aqua-Set. Using our abrasive paper SKINTACT® Easiprep further improves trace quality.
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Product Details
Superior Design. Leonhard Lang's Aqua-Set gel reduces motion artifacts ensuring a clear and stable tracing. The offset contact design of SKINTACT® FS-VB01 and
T-VO01 further minimises the impact of patient movements on the signal significantly.
Secure Adhesion.
The enhanced adhesive sticks reliably even when the patient is perspiring. The protective foam backing is impermeable to liquids, SKINTACT® stress test electrodes are therefore suitable for Echo, too.
Patient Comfort.
The light microporous tape backing of SKINTACT® T-604 B and T-VO01 promote breathability and ensures skin friendly comfort during holter ECG.
Easy to Handle.
The easy to open pouch and the handling aid on all SKINTACT® stress test and holter electrodes facilitate use. Lead wires can be clipped on even more conveniently on our SKINTACT® offset electrodes FS-VB01 or T-VO01.
Innovative Electrode Technology with High Performance.
SKINTACT® T-VO01 comes with an Adhesive Ring for High Performance applications. This ring provides superb adhesion and protects the gel from drying out. Motion artifacts are reduced to a minimum.
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