Single Use Metal Blades
From Intubation - Laryngoscopy
BENEFITS: Trie motel laryno/yscopo blados come with polyacrylalo hbor far maximum whilo luminous intonsity allowing instant illumination of tho oral cavity. Blades interlock with any handle in a controlled and fast way thanks to lite steel balls at the root or the blade. A complete range of laryngoscope blades is available. Every Size is endowed with a color code on the pouch to differentiate them.
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The high quality sheathed optical fiber avoids light loss on the side oF the blade.
The height of the hook of the blades is minimum in order to guarantee an optimum angle of visibility.
The blades fit on all green ring laryngoscope handles according to ISO 7376.
Each blade comes with a protective case for the laryngoscope handle.
The tip af the blades is rounded and atraumatic, which confers a safe act of the anesthesiologist and a non-invasive introdu cti on of the blade.
Comepa blades are engraved with the 2 crossed out logo for single use.
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