Sansure - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA Fluorescence Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)
From Respiratory Tract Infections
Mycobacterium tuberculosis virus (TB) is a pathogenic bacterium that causes tuberculosis. It is likely to infect all human tissues and organs, especially the lungs to cause pulmonary tuberculosis. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for effective control of tuberculosis. In recent years, with the development of molecular biology, nucleic acid fluorescence quantitative PCR method based on the mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleic acid has drawn more and more attention from researchers.
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- Product features: Parameter
- Specimen Type: human sputum
- Extraction Platform: One-tube fast release technology
- Internal Control: positive internal reference (cloning plasmid, without TB target sequence)
- PCR Instrument: ABI7500, Stratagene Mx3000P.
- Sensitivity: 1 bacterium/mL
- Spec.: 48T
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