SAF-T-PAK - Model STP-210EXMT - Ambient Exempt Human/Animal Patient Shipping System, Small, 25/Case
From Exempt Patient Specimens, Specimen Transport Packaging
Features: Most economical system for proper shipment of Exempt Human or Exempt Animal Specimens. Excellent for ambient shipment of used medical devices.
Product Details
System Components:
- Quantity 25/case
- Outer Box - OD 9 X 4.25 X 4.25', pre-printed with: Exempt Human/Animal Specimen Checkbox Markings
- STP-151 100mL Absorbent Strip (1ea.)
- STP-731 Disposable Leakproof Polybags, Large (1 ea.)
Maximum Capacity*:
- Maximum Polybag(s): 1
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