RightSpot - pH Smallbore Indicator for Gastric Acidity Verification
Gastric acidity verification for NG/OG tube placement. The ONLY FDA cleared, CE Marked, CLIA waived product that uses pH to confirm gastric acidity for tubes intended to end in the stomach. RightBio Metrics pH indicators are a cost-effective way to confirm gastric acidity of tubes intended for the stomach. Published studies show pH can be used in place of x-ray to confirm initial placement. In some hospitals x-ray is only used when pH is inconclusive.**
Most popular related searches
- Published studies cite that 21-56% of tubes intended for the stomach are confirmed elsewhere in the body.*
- Nursing and Patient Safety Organizations are calling for the immediate discontinuation of auscultation to confirm tube gastric placement and use of pH as one of the indicators.**
- NICU babies are the most vulnerable, yet most US hospitals still use auscultation to confirm gastric placement. Studies show that NICU babies stomachs are acidified and it is possible to obtain aspirate.***
- The United Kingdome uses pH first line for their NICU population.****
Solution: RightSpotpH SmallBore
Additionally, the pH indicators can be used:
- when there is a suspected mis-placement
- when there is a shift change
- prior to each feed/medication delivery.
Reimbursement: CPT Code 83986QW
Some think of using our pH indicators as an insurance policy to improve the safety of placing tubes with little to no added cost to the hospital. If your hospital is reimbursed for bedside glucose testing you may be able to get reimbursement for the RightSpotpH® SmallBore
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