Rhythmlink PressOn - Model P115 - EEG Electrodes
From cEEG - Standard Disposable Electrodes
Rhythmlink’s PressOn™ EEG Electrodes are a line of disposable EEG electrodes designed to be placed quickly for fast, quality recordings.
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Product Details
Finally, a viable solution to collect cEEG to provide information about brain function quickly, easily and accurately. Utilize your medical staff that is already present at bedside to record reliable, real time data to help establish the best patient care plan possible.
Ideal scenarios for use of the PressOn Electrode include stroke, traumatic brain injuries, therapeutic hypothermia, identifying non-convulsive seizures, immobile, unconscious or comatose patients and for environments where an EEG technologist may not be available 24/7.
Additional Information
- Weight: 9.70 oz
- Lead Length: 1.5 m
- Quantity: 5 per box
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