Primax International Srl

Primax International Srl

- Model CSAP - Ceiling Suspension System



The high-performance ceiling suspension with functional design for optimal radiological results and increased patient throughput. Best choice for primary care rooms, specialized care centers and emergency rooms. Its movements are motorized and manual at operator’s choice, just pressing a button on the front panel of the system.

Main Features:

Automatic movements
Fully automatic and robotized with auto-tracking and auto-positioning, thanks to servo-assisted motors, Synchronized movements of the X-ray tube and the detectors, to perform all possible studies in combination with the anatomical programming.

At your finger
Color touch screen user interface greatly improves the overall ergonomics, exploiting the total integration of the system.

High-end diagnostic tools
With the optional modules Dual Energy, Tomography and Automatic Stitching, operators have a complete range of diagnostic opportunities.

Safety first
RIVIERA CSAP has several features to prevent collision risk: speed control, negative braking system, volumetric protection .

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