

- Blood Based Test Cutting Edge Liquid Biopsy Technology


PreveCol, an innovative blood-based test for early colorectal cancer detection. PreveCol is an innovative test based on an algorithm that combines the clinical characteristics identified by Artificial Intelligence with the analysis of biomarker levels in plasma for the early detection of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) and advanced adenoma (AA). Prevecol identifies molecular biomarkers in blood, with increased sensitivity and specificity for colorectal cancer and advanced adenoma detection.

Products Details

  • High potential
  • Superior accuracy
  • Very simple
  • No previous preparation
  • Reliable
  • Disruptive

How it Works

  • Identifying molecular biomarkers.
  • Non-invasive, just a blood test that improves colorectal cancer screening compliance
  • Easy, fast, better compliance, no sedation, reliable, disruptive.
  • Colorectal screening blood-based test providing competitive colorectal detection and highest accuracy for the detection of advanced adenomas (precancerous lesions).

Product Characteristics


An easy and innovative test to detect colorectal cancer in blood.

PreveCol® is indicated to screen adults of either sex, 50 years or older, who are at an average risk for colorectal cancer.
When colon cancer is detected at early localized stages (I-II) the 5-year survival rate is 90% while this rate drops to 12% when patients are diagnosed at stage IV and metastasis. These data show the importance of screening for colon cancer at a treatable stage.

According to the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC), well implemented screening programs could reduce cancer mortality rates between 30%-35%.
Yes. PreveCol® helps to find premalignant lesions (i.e., advanced adenomas) or colon cancer. In fact, most colon cancers develop slowly over several years. However, before cancer appears, it is common for a polyp or non-cancerous growth to develop on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. Advanced adenomas are polyps with high potential of malignancy. Finding and removing premalignant lesions through a simple colonoscopy prevents colon cancer whereas detection of early stage improves patient prognosis.

Survival rate when detected in early stages (I-III)

Yes. It is a minimally invasive test that only requires a simple blood extraction. It represents advantages compared to other screening methods, such as those based on direct visualization of the colorectal area, which are risky and could potentially harm the patients, and those that use fecal samples, which have a low compliance mainly due to the difficulty of sample collection.

PreveCol® is self-certified through a declaration of conformity under the Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices. In order to comply with the applicable requirements of the Directive, ISO 13485:2016, a harmonized standard recognized by the European Commission, is implemented.

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