Posey - Model Sitter On Cue PRO - Wireless Chair Sensor Pad
As part of the versatile Posey Sitter On Cue PRO™ wireless technology solution, this wireless sensor pad allows you to place your fall risk patient’s chair anywhere in the room for their comfort and your convenience. Optimized for ease of use and patient safety, the Sitter On Cue PRO Wireless Chair Sensor Pad can be paired with the Sitter On Cue PRO Alarm quickly and simply.
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Posey Sitter On Cue PRO Wireless Chair Sensor Pad
Wireless freedom with helpful features:
- Tap-2-Pair™ technology establishes wireless connection with a simple tap
- Indicator light on alarm turns blue to confirm pairing with wireless sensor pad
- Simple instructions for use are printed directly on each wireless sensor pad to guide setup
- No new trip hazards are introduced to room environment when setting up
- Battery life of this single-patient wireless sensor pad is 30 days
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