Pipeline - SMRT Graft - Tendon
Tendon injuries are one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints reported to general practitioners, with shoulder pain affecting more than 50% of adults over the age of 50. Mostly frequently, shoulder pain is the result of damage to the rotator cuff tendon. Rotator cuff tendon tears have a significant impact on the individual, not only affecting their ability to work or play sport, but also those common daily tasks that we take for granted, like dressing, having a shower, or even getting a good night’s sleep.
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Product Details
Surgery to repair rotator cuff tendons is problematic because the underlying tendon is weakened and re-tears are very common. Re-tears require additional surgery to repair the damage. Orthocell’s SMRT Graft™ collagen membrane assists in strengthening the surgical repair of damaged or torn tendons to restore function and relieve pain.
Promising Clinical Results
The performance of SMRT Graft™ when used to augment repair of rotator cuff tendinopathy and tear was recently evaluated in a clinical trial. Two years after their surgery, 89% of patients reported that they were pain free and had normal shoulder function, and a further 11% reported that their shoulder function was better than before the surgery. No patients needed more surgery to fix a re-tear.
Patients reported significant improvements in their ability to dress themselves and sleep at night, and were back at work and playing sport without discomfort or pain.
Strengthening Tendon Repair
Current surgical repairs are performed with great skill, but unfortunately there is a high rate of failure. The repaired tendon is often weaker, due to the poor quality of the tendon tissue, and prone to re-tear. SMRT Graft™ was designed with handling characteristics to assist surgeons perform reconstructive procedures, while creating a unique healing environment to improve the quality of the regenerated tendon tissue. Better quality tissue strengthens the repair and reduces the risk of re-tear.
SMRT Graft™ Surgical Procedure
1. Tendon tear
Tendon detached from bone and retracted at tear site
2. Preparation of Repair Site
Torn tendon is trimmed and anchored with sutures back into healthy bone
3. Apply CelGro™
SMRT Graft™ is trimmed to size and placed over the repair site to promote tendon healing
4. Reattachment
Tendon and SMRT Graft™ secured in place with sutures
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