Ortholox - Locking Periprosthetic Support Cable-Plate Systems
From Orthopaedics & Traumatology - Titanium Plate Systems
Ortholox® Locking Periprosthetic Support Cable-Plate Systems are compatible with Ortholox® UHMWPE Cerclage Band System thanks to its Plate-Band Button Implant and in combination, they assist in keeping the displaced bone fragments together.
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Ortholox® Locking Periprosthetic Support Cable-Plate Systems have coaxial combi-holes and have 2 to 16-hole options. They are used with 4.5mm locking head screws, 4.5mm cortical screws and 5.0mm periprosthetic locking screws. The structure of the holes is also compatible with 5.0mm Insert screws, Plate-Band Button Implant and Locking Attachment Plate connection screws.
The systems can be used for traumatic or periprosthetic fractures or osteotomies in the diaphysial region of long bones such as femur, tibia and humerus.
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