Omega Medical Imaging, LLC.

Omega Medical Imaging, LLC.

- Image-Guided Endoscopy Systems


New AI image-guided ROI modality is proven to reduce radiation exposure by up to 84%.

Product Details

Omega provides world-class technology with superior imaging and safety for patients and staff.

The E-View.AI is the only ERCP fluoro system with AI radiation dose reduction. Our focus is to continually promote and advance the practice of Interventional Endoscopy through cutting-edge, high-performance, low-dose imaging solutions.

The E-View.AI is the only lab designed with features exclusively developed for ERCP and image-guided endoscopic GI procedures.

Elevate your program to the next level of dose reduction and safety

AI Dose Reduction – A New Era

Our unique, hands-free, AI neural network automatically detects the region of interest by identifying key movement from catheters, contrast, leads, stents and balloons.

Powered by AI, an ultra-fast Trublock™ secondary collimator, and the world’s most advanced image processing, the FluoroShield™ radiation reduction system is integrated within all our AI image guided solutions.

AI image guidance systems have shown to reduce dose by up to ~84%, reducing radiation exposure to patients and staff far beyond any other system available.

Exclusive Scatter Radiation Protection

Unique 360° lead shielding protection on the flat panel detector and below the table greatly reduces scatter radiation exposure to the physicians, anesthesiologist, rad techs and staff in the room during a procedure.

Large Field of View Flat Panel Detector

Integrated with a high-speed, dual focus, X-ray tube, and high-resolution image processor, the large 30 x 30 field of view flat panel detector offers superior image quality while increasing visibility over a greater anatomical area.

ERCP Motorized Table for Patient Positioning

Our exclusive 10- way motorized ERCP tables range in weight limits up to 800lbs and widths of up to 30” wide, accommodating a larger patient population.

The tables thoughtful design allows for the patient’s head to be positioned on the right for interventional endoscopy unlike traditional labs where the patient’s head is positioned on the left for angiographic procedures.

Supportive Design for Complicated Procedures

The E-View.AI table and I-C are fully motorized for independent movements from a single, intuitive control panel.

This promotes better patient positioning and visualization of stones, guide wires, and bile ducts which could lead to a reduction in the use of contrast media, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

Pivots Out of the Way for Full Patient Access

The flexible platform of the E-View.AI allows for the I-C to easily pivot ±90° out of the way toward the head or foot of the table, providing 360° access to the patient.

This facilitates safer patient loading and the ability to have full access to the patient in case of any emergency during the procedure. This feature also allows the table to be used during non-X-ray procedures like EUS

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