Ormed Group Medical

Ormed Group Medical

- Model OGM1,OGM1A,OGM3 and OGM3A - Bone Cements


OGM1,OGM1A,OGM3 and OGM3A Bone Cements are PMMA containing acrylic based radiopaque with antibiotic and non-antibiotic bone cements. Bone cement has 2 viscosity options standard and low viscosity. These viscosities are formed in such a way that the demands are best responded to as a result of long-term research and evaluations. OGM1,OGM1A,OGM3 ve OGM3A Bone Cements are indicated for fixation of prostheses used in knee-hip and shoulder joints and also to provide fixation in bone defects. It is basically divided into 2 as powder and liquid. OGM1,OGM1A,OGM3 and OGM3A Bone Cements offer the powder product in a ready-to-use (box) blister and together with the mixer blister in order to make this powder and liquid easy to mix during the event in the operating room.

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