Noruco - Video Processor
From Endoscopy
With progressive scanning, the 3CCD-HD CAM provides the sharpest detail with unparalleled natural color reproduction in high resolution. It will definitely enhance the capabilities of surgeons performing minimally invasive procedures.
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- 3 1/3' 16:9 image sensors with more than 6Mega effective pixels in total.
- High sensitivity requires less light from illumination.
- New image enhancement functions in clarity and color.
- Immunity to high interference from electrosurgery.
- Filters for flexible endoscope use.
- Full digital chain achieved in DVI-D, HDMI (1) or 3G-SDI digital output.
- Digital zoom function up to 2.5x and freeze function.
- Mirror, flip, rotate function.
- Full HD resolution video recording and image capture (optional).
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