Passy-Muir, Inc.

Passy-Muir, Inc.

Model Tracheostomy T.O.M - Portable, Durable Polyurethane Elastomer



Tracheostomy T.O.M. is a portable, durable polyurethane elastomer model mounted on an acrylic platform that depicts a midsagittal view of the nasal cavity with nare, oral cavity, pharynx, trachea, and upper esophagus of a tracheostomized adult. A “stoma” is provided in the lower neck area to allow for demonstration of the effect of various aspects of tracheostomy care, and tracheostomy placement issues. The nare is open, allowing insertion and placement of a suction catheter or nasogastric tube. The flexible tracheoesophageal wall allows for demonstration of the effects of an overinflated tracheostomy tube cuff on the esophagus.

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