North American Rescue, LLC

North American Rescue, LLC

Model STB - Bleeding Control Kit - NYLON



The top cause of preventable death in trauma is bleeding ... 20% of people who have died from traumatic injuries COULD HAVE SURVIVED with quick bleeding control!


Life threatening bleeding can occur from emergency situations in our communities everyday. From vehicle crashes and incidents involving farming equipment or public transportation to accidental injuries from natural disasters like tornadoes or inflicted injuries from intentional acts of violence like shootings and bombings, uncontrolled bleeding can result in death within minutes - even before emergency medical services or other emergency responders can arrive. These first minutes following a traumatic injury are crucial in saving a life.

Specs & Details

  • Designed to provide the essential bleeding control equipment needed to help save a life
  • Small, compact and easy to use
  • Kits contain the same tourniquet and hemostatic dressing technology recommended by the U.S. Military and the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma to control bleeding

Basic Kit Contents:

  • 1 x C-A-T® Tourniquet
  • 1 x 6 in. NAR Responder ETD (Emergency Trauma Dressing)
  • 1 x NAR Responder Compressed Gauze
  • 1 x QuikClot Bleeding Control Dressing
  • 2 x Pair, Responder Nitrile Gloves, Lg
  • 1 x Permanent Marker, Small
  • 1 x Just in Time Instruction Card
  • 1 x Red Nylon Bag


  • H 7 in. x W 5 in. x D 2.5 in.
  • Weight: 15 oz

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