Samarit Medical AG

Model Samarit Rollbord - Lateral Patient Transfer


With our innovative products we help healthcare professionals and their patients to acomplish this transfers. Lifting and transferring patients play a critical role in all areas of care. The spines of carers are under constant strain when continuously moving patients from one bed to another.The SAMARIT ROLLBORD take off the strain from healthcare professionals by enabling patients to move be moved and replace demanding lifting movements by pulling or pushing 'No-lift transfer'. Our wide range of ROLLBORDS is particularly suitable for use in Intensive Care and Special Wards, in the Operating Theatre but also for Radiology, Urology, Gynaecology, the Emergency department and  for Homecare. Being the market leader in moving/ transfer aids with more than 30 years' experience, SAMARIT offers 17 different Rollboards models for each use.

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