Macan Manufacturing

Macan Manufacturing

Model MC-6A - Radiosurge



Cut Mode: This fully rectified, filtered waveform is the safest and most predictable waveform for oral electrosurgery procedures. It produces a continuous flow of RF energy that provides a micro-smooth cut with minimal hemostasis. There will be no shrinkage when utilizing the cut mode in healthy tissue. Indications would include cosmetic elongation of clinical crowns, anterior gingival troughing before crown & bridge impressions, biopsies, frenectomies, the reflection of full-thickness flaps, and any procedures that closely proximate bone or dental implants. 


Cut + Coag Mode: Clinically, this fully rectified waveform blends 50% cutting and 50% coagulation. It would be the waveform of choice for posterior gingival troughing before crown & bridge gaining access to subgingival caries, removing opercula, removing opercula, removing pericoronal tissue, pulpotomies, gingivectomies, and gingivoplasty procedures. Coag Mode – This partially rectified waveform of intermittent RF energy flow is highly effective in producing hemostasis in gingival and mucosal tissues and sealing off bleeders up to two millimeters in diameter without ligation. Indications include soft tissue coagulation after surgical intervention or bleeding = a pulpotomy. This waveform is used to sterilize endodontic canals, bleach discolorized teeth, and desensitization of cervical tooth margins. 

Fulguration Mode: This mode produces a spark that travels through the air gap between the electrode tip and the surface of the tissue. It is the only monopolar electrosurgical waveform that can coagulate bleeding from the bone. It is also excellent to diagnose and coagulate possible pinpoint exposures. 

ACCESSORIES: The Radio Surge comes complete with an autoclaveable handpiece and cord, six Ultra Flex Bendable Electrodes (UF-L22, UF-C51, UF-L34, UF-L35, UF-F1, UF-SN62), thermoplastic coated ground pad, ground cord.

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