Luxfer Gas Cylinders

Luxfer Gas Cylinders

Model L6X Aluminum - Medical Oxygen Cylinder



Luxfer metallurgists, among the most recognized experts in the industry, developed this corrosion-resistant blend specifically to provide excellent performance in the most demanding high-pressure applications. Compared to conventional versions of 6061 alloy, Luxfer’s L6X has been optimized to improve durability, fracture toughness and resistance to tearing and cracking, even under high-pressure loads over long periods. Because of the unique performance characteristics of L6X alloy, Luxfer has consistently passed all extensive, rigorous testing performed by major global gas companies and met or exceeded requirements set by every major cylinder regulatory authority in the world. Widely used in home oxygen therapy, emergency medical services and medical institutional applications in more than 50 countries, the more than 50 million cylinders Luxfer has manufactured from L6X alloy have an outstanding record for safe, dependable performance.

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