Elmaslar Medikal A.S

Elmaslar Medikal A.S

Model Healthtime OC5 - Oxygen Concentrator


The Oxygen Concentrator is a device that produces oxygen with a purity of 93±3% by using environment air containing 21% oxygen. The Healthtime OC5 oxygen concentrator produces safe oxygen and, owing to its alarm system, it warns the patient and those around the patient audibly if there is a situation that prevents adequate oxygen formation. It’s risky to use oxygen without first consulting with a professional. It should not be used without reading the user manual.


Unique Patient Unit Design

It increases patient comfort without any loss of pressure and purity, with its unique design and its unit extended up to 15 meters.

Ergonomic Design

It provides ergonomic use with its hidden handle design and wheels made of soft material.

Noise Level

It has the lowest noise level on the market, with the contribution of its unique extendable patient unit.


It is one step ahead of other oxygen concentrators with a weight of only 14 KG.

Polycarbonate Outer Case

Unlike other manufacturers, we use polycarbonate to remove harmful gases and bad odor.

Technical Specifications

Oxygen Flow Range 1~ 5l / min
Oxygen Concentration %93 ±3
Maximum Outlet Pressure

8 PSI ±1


230 VAC ±%10, 50 Hz


1,40 AMP ±%10

Operating Temperature Range   

10°C ~ 40°C

Operating Humudity Range

10 ~ 90 % RH

Weight Net/Gross

14 KG/18 KG

Noise Level

< 45 Db

Device Dimensions

28X34X52 CM

Box Dimensions

38X50X61 CM

Stock Code


Warranty Period


Digital Display


Power Consumption


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