Model Handydop - Unidirectional Pocket Doppler
From Doppler
Very good sensitivity, Ultrasound stylus probes, Replaceable ultrasound modules, Battery operated with energy management for long operating times and low operating costs. Ultrasound probes (pen probe), 2 MHz CW (fetal), 4 MHz CW, 8 MHz CW (option: intraoperative), Headphone connection, Battery operation with energy management, Long operating times, Low operating costs, The handydop works with rechargeable batteries which saves operating costs., For intensive Doppler operation with batteries (non-rechargeable), operating costs can be reduced by approx. 5 € per week (approx. 250 € per year).
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Medical Applications
Arm-leg index (ABI)
The poststenotic blood pressure measurement is ideal for the verification of and severity determination of peripheral ACD.
To accomplish that, use the Doppler probe to find the easy to locate A. tibialis posterior or the A. dorsalis pedis.
This value is compared with the systemic pressure over the A. brachia found in the same manner and the pressure gradient is calculated.
Systemic pressure |
120 mmHg |
- Poststenotic pressure |
80 mmHg |
Pressure gradient |
40 mmHg |
Verifying an Acute, Deep Venous Thrombosis
Verifying an acute, deep venous thrombosis with the 4 MHz probe.
The verification of a deep venous thrombosis is one of the most important Doppler applications.
To accomplish that, with the 4 MHz probe localise the V. femoral in the inguinal region and ask the patient to breath forcefully.
In the continuous V. iliac the inspiratory pressure rise leads to a flow stoppage. With a higher haemodynamic relevant stenosis however, this breathing relation is lacking.
The cause for this pathological flow is the high postthrombotic pressure, which, through the collaterals, causes a reduced but completely uniform venous backflow.
Verifying Fetal Cardiac Action
Fetal monitoring
Application examples for the 2 MHz probe
With the 2 MHz probe, your handydop®
becomes a fetal pulse detector for the following indicators:
- Verification of fetal cardiac action already from the 9th week p.m. and during the rest of the course of pregnancy.
- Demonstration of the fetal life during the lack of a relationship to the pregnancy.
- Validation of the fetal vitality if indications of foetal death are observed during precocious pregnancy.
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