Model GingivAid - Dental Collagen Bone Graft
From Synthetic Bone Graft
GingivAid® is a synthetic collagen bone graft substitute intended to be used in dental implant surgery; GingivAid® Collagen Dental Graft is composed of highly purified type I collagen and hydroxyapatite / β-tricalcium phosphate biphasic ceramic. GingivAid® Collagen Dental Graft is implanted in low-invasive surgery to provide an osteoconductive scaffold for new bone formation, and the interconnecting network provides continuous pathways for bone growth. GingivAid® Collagen Dental Graft is intended to be used in dental implant surgeries, including sinus lift and alveolar ridge augmentation.
Proven safe:
- Biocompatability
- Bio-resorbable
- Convenient to manipulate during surgery
- Non-inflammatory
- Eliminates the need for second site surgery
- Avoids potential transmission of disease from allograft
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