g.tec medical engineering GmbH

g.tec medical engineering GmbH

Model g.Estim FES - Programmable Functional Electrical Stimulator (FES)



The g.Estim FES is a programmable functional electrical stimulator (FES) and is intended for neurological therapeutic applications such as temporary reduction of muscle spasms, prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy, increasing local blood flow in the treatment area, muscle re-education, prevention of post-surgical phlebo-thrombosis through immediate stimulation of calf muscles, and maintaining or increasing range of motion.

Product Details

g.Estim FES has an applied part of type BF with connectors for bipolar stimulation electrodes (anode and cathode). The device is controlled by a computer via an USB connection. It also has digital outputs for synchronization with other devices. An optional hand-switch allows you to perform stimulation manually.

Alternatively, an optional foot-switch can be used to explicitly enable/disable stimulation. g.Estim FES includes an impedance measurement function and contains a high-impedance stop mechanism that stops stimulation when electrode contact becomes loose.

Product Highlights

  • Delivers bi-phasic constant current pulses
  • Programmable stimulation pulse & trigger
  • API (Application Programming Interface)
  • Real-time trigger interface
  • Stand-alone device that can be controlled from a computer system
  • Can send triggers to other devices for synchronization
  • Includes electrode impedance check and stimulation current monitoring
  • CE-certified and FDA-cleared medical device for use in human

Technical Specifications

  • Stimulus current output: ± 1 – 60 mA (±10%)
  • Phase shape: rectangular
  • Work time: 2 - 20 s in 0.5 s increments (± 10 % accuracy)
  • Rest time: 2 - 50 s in 0.5 s increments (± 10 % accuracy)
  • Phase duration: 50 µs - 400 µs in 10 µs increments (± 10 % or ± 10 µs whichever greater)
  • Pulse rate: 1 – 100 pulses/second in 1 pulse increments (±10%) (Pulse period from 1 s down to 10 ms)
  • Rising/falling ramps: 0 - 10 s in 0.5 s increments (± 5 % accuracy)
  • Power supply: 2 x 9 V battery, USB – connection
  • Certification and Standards: IEC 60601-1, IEC 60601-1-2, IEC 60601-2-10, IEC 62304, IEC 62366, ISO 14971

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