Model ES102 - OX40 Agonist Antibody
OX40, also known as CD134, is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family and is an important co-stimulator of T cell responses. Typically for TNF receptor family members, 3 molecules of OX40 bind to the trimeric OX40 ligand-protein, activating downstream NF-κB, PI3K, and AKT pathways, which lead to increased cytokine production. Activation of OX40 enhances T-cell expansion, differentiation, and the generation of memory T-cells. OX40 antibodies have been clinically tested to expand activated T cells and suppress regulatory T cells in the treatment of cancer.
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Product Details
Elpiscience in-licensed ES102/INBRX-106 from Inhibrx, possessing greater China rights. ES102 has shown monotherapy efficacy in pre-clinical animal models. ES102 is currently in clinical studies in China with ES102 single agent and in combination with Junshi’s PD-1 antibody.
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