Model Draeger - Wall Ventilator Mount
From Emergency - Ambulance Systems - iNTRAXX - Ventilator Mounts
iNTRAXX offers model-specific ventilator mounts so equipment can be positioned and re-positioned within the ambulance where it is most needed, while remaining securely fastened to the vehicle in the event of a crash or hard maneuver.
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All Features and Benefits
The Draeger ventilator can be attached to either a swivel mount or wall mount and designed specifically for the Draeger.
- Crash tested to 26g
- Width: 11.2 in
- Depth: 10.2 in
- Length: 9.5 in
- Weight: 6.9 lb
- Width: 285 mm
- Depth: 259 mm
- Length: 31.4 mm
- Weight: 3.1 kg
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