Model DICOM/HL7 - Clinical Medical Instruments
From Upgrades
All PeriFlux 6000 systems (Pressure, tcpO2 and Combined) are clinical medical instruments for assessment and monitoring. They generate accurate high-quality measurement results, and the results are presented in a report, usually in PDF format. PeriFlux 6000 has the capability to export these results to other systems in your hospital, e.g. your hospital information system (HIS), your medical records system, your patient administration system/booking system or your Picture Archive (PACS). The standards for this connectivity are DICOM and HL7. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is dedicated mainly to medical imaging, while HL7 (Health Level 7) handles more general aspects of medical data processing and management. Both standards may co-exist in a hospital system. In addition to using HL7 and DICOM, the report may simply be saved to any server in the hospital data network.
PeriFlux 6000 and DICOM
If your hospital system, for example a RIS (Radiological Information System) supports DICOM connection, the PDF report from PeriFlux 6000 may be exported as an image, together with patient and examination information.
In addition, PeriFlux 6000 supports the Modality Worklist function, which transfers patient information from the HIS/RIS system. This minimizes the risk of mixing up patients, compared to entering the patient information manually in the PeriFlux 6000.
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