NEOS Surgery S.L.

NEOS Surgery S.L.

Model Cranial LOOP - Cranial Fixation Devices

Cranial LOOP cranial fixation devices are a smart system made of PEEK-OPTIMA™, a biocompatible polymer, for securely fixing bone flaps resulting from craniotomies. It is completely instrument-free due to its fast and easy ‘Pull and tighten’ action, which allows the surgeon to fixate a standard bone flap in less than a minute with only three devices, thus achieving optimal stability and excellent esthetic results. The Cranial LOOP devices produce equivalent fixation strengths to those of other standard metallic fixation devices. The product comes sterile and ready to use.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Osteotomy line device
  • 12 mm diameter 

Cranial LOOP is the minimal invasive size for fixating the bone flap through the craniotomy gap.

  • Osteotomy line device
  • 16 mm diameter

Cranial LOOP L offers an optimal balance in some craniotomies with wider or more irregular osteotomy lines.

  • Burr hole device
  • 22 mm diameter

Cranial LOOP XL fixates the bone flap through the burr hole and covers it at the same time.

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