- Manual Resuscitators (Reusable) for Pediatric



Field of application: emergency medical services, disaster medicine services, military and extreme medicine services; anesthesiology departments, ICUs and resuscitation departments; maternity hospitals, etc.

Technical characteristics

Volume of inspired gas, ml, not less than: 300
Capacity of ventilation bag, ml: 500±100
Capacity of reservoir bag ml: 600
Minute ventilation, l/min: 15
Pressure limitation in breathing circuit, hPa: 55±15
Resistance to inspiration, hPa: 5
Resistance to expiration, hPa: 2
Gas leak at pressure 30hPa, l/min, not more than: 0,5
Overall dimensions, mm (in a cover bag) : 350?140?200
Weight, kg: 0,9

Current use: reusable manual resuscitators are mad...

Current use: reusable manual resuscitators are made of silicone and used for artificial pulmonary ventilation in conditions of respiratory failure of any etiology:

  • for adults ?D-?P-V, patient weight - more than 20 kg;
  • for children ?D-?P-D, patient weight - from 10 till 20 kg;
  • for newborns ?D-?P-N, patient weight -below 4 kg.


  • Expanding time of bags– less than 1 sec;
  • Ergonomic silicone masks with one or two components, reservoir bags, highly reliable valves with possibility of oxygen connection;
  • Notable for high strength, durability and elasticity.

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