Medax - Model Meduro - Automatic Disposable Biopsy System With Anesthetic Needle
From Soft Tissue Biopsy - Automatic Biopsy System
Automatic disposable spring loaded biopsy system for prostate biopsy.
Most popular related searches
- One hand usage.
- 22 mm penetration depth.
- Double firing trigger in proximal and distal positions.
- Echogenic treatment for ultrasound guided procedures.
- Centimeter markings.
Anesthetic Needle
- 20 Gauge, 200 mm , 250mm & 300mm length.
- Trasparent Luer Lock connector.
- Sharpened cannula for a safe and painless insertion and penetration.
- Centimeter markings
- Sterilized by ETO, shelf life 5 years.
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