Naked Prosthetics

Naked Prosthetics

- Robust & Functional Prostheses for Finger & Partial Hand Amputees



The MCPDriver is designed for individuals with amputations through the proximal phalanx. The MCPDriver restores the middle and distal phalanges. These body-driven, articulating devices allow patients to regain fine dexterity and natural grip patterns. The MCPDriver excels at restoring pinch, key, cylindrical, and power grasps, as well as grip stability. Each device is custom-designed to within millimeters of a patient’s unique anatomy to successfully mimic the complex function of a finger.

Product Details

The MCPDriver gets its strength from a combination of rigid stainless steel linkages driven by the residuum and is comfortably anchored on the dorsal surface of the hand. The functional force at the fingertip is dependent on the patient’s input force. A typical male can achieve 7-9lb force at each fingertip. Additionally, the power hook grasp posture allows patients to lift objects of substantial weight as the load transfers efficiently to the suspension about the wrist.

The MCPDriver is driven by an intact MCP joint with enough residuum distal to the joint to engage the ring. For an amputee who doesn’t meet these minimum requirements, it is still possible to obtain functional benefits from this device. However, special consideration will have to be made prior to ordering the prosthesis.


  • Silicone backplate interface for increased comfort and protection.
  • Interchangeable suspension rings to allow the patient and prosthetists to find the ideal fit for the user.
  • Shims that can be added or removed to fine-tune the fit as needed by the patient due to volume fluctuation or preference.
  • Abduction/adduction washers allow the prosthetist to adjust the mechanical finger. The freedom of motion in this component helps the patient gain optimal grip.
  • Twelve unique color choices and silicone backplate pairings allow patients to customize devices to meet their style preferences.
  • Silicone tip resembles the natural fingertip and provides added grip.
  • The cage-like structure of the stainless-steel linkages provides protection for the hypersensitive residuum.

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