Micrima Limited

- Breast Cancer Detection Tool


Micrima are aiming to open up breast screening to all women. With breast cancer being the most common cancer in women of all ages globally, we believe that all women should be able to have breast screening. The current option for screening is mammography, which has limitations in women with dense breasts. MARIA® scans, with non-ionising radiation, increases the frequency women can be scanned and allows women to be scanned anywhere. MARIA® is able to scan women of all breast densities, which opens up scanning to women of all ages.

Non Ionising

Non Ionising
Unlike a mammogram, which uses X-rays, MARIA® uses radiowaves to scan. These are the same frequencies that are used by wi-fi or a mobile phone, making MARIA® safe to use, as frequently as required.

No Compression
When scanned by MARIA®, you are laid face down on the examination table, with one breast placed into the array. There is no compression of the breast during the scan, which makes the experience more comfortable.  

Suitable for women of all ages and breast densities
Currently, the only screening available in the UK is by a mammogram between the ages of 50-71. However, a mammogram is impacted by dense breast tissue, which can obscure any potential tumors in the breast. Younger women often have dense breast tissue which can reduce as a woman gets older. Yet, 40% of women of a screening age still have dense breasts.   

MARIA® can scan women of all ages and breast densities, as frequently as required.

How will MARIA® make a difference to breast cancer detection?

Early Detection
Breast cancers found early are more likely to be cured and need less treatment. In the UK, breast screening is available for women between 50 and 71, there are currently no screening options for other ages. Micrima are working to open breast cancer screening to all ages, to improve early detection for all women.

Breast Density
Dense breasts contain more glandular tissue and less fat tissue. Younger women are more likely to have dense breasts, however 40% of women of a screening age still have dense breasts. Dense breasts increases you risk of breast cancer and makes it hard to detect on a mammogram. MARIA® is effective in all breast densities.

Your User Experience
Breast screening currently uses a mammogram which uses X-Rays to scan the breast. Mammograms also compress the breast, which can be uncomfortable for some women. MARIA® is non-ionising, using radiowaves and has no compression. You will be laid down on a bed, with your breast placed into the array.

MARIA Radiowave Technology

The MARIA® System
The MARIA® system is a breast cancer detection tool, based on radiowave technology.

MARIA® offers new diagnostic information in dense tissue whilst requiring no breast compression or ionising radiation exposure to the patient. This makes the system safe and comfortable for the patient.

The Array
The array consists of 60 radio frequency antennae that surround the breast.

They are configured to operate over a wide range of frequencies. Each antenna transmits whilst the other 59 record the signal back from the breast tissue. MARIA® then builds a 3D map of tissue variation throughout the breast.

The Scan
Procedure time is comparable to a mammogram. Data is reconstructed in the cloud before being presented to the clinician as a 3D volumetric image.

As processing is cloud based, new algorithms, including tissue classifiers, can be quickly deployed to the entire install base (subject to the necessary approvals).

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