LMA Airway Management abrand of Teleflex Incorporated

LMA Airway Management abrand of Teleflex Incorporated

- Model ProSeal - The Most Versatile Re-Usable Airway



Peace of mind: Passive regurgitation can occur unexpectedly intraoperatively. The LMA ProSeal™ enables the regurgitated fluid to pass up the drainage tube without leaking into the glottis.8. Patient comfort: LMA ProSeal™ reduces the likelihood of throat irritation and stimulation, and reduces post-operative nausea and vomiting by as much as 40% compared to an ETT.9. Performance: LMA ProSeal™ achieves a high seal pressure, with a median seal pressure of 32 cm H2O.10. Aspiration: LMA ProSeal™ has a built-in drain tube that allows expelled gastric content to bypass the pharynx. This specific feature is designed to decrease the risk of aspiration.11,12


Second generation devices, such as LMA Supreme™, come highly recommended in the recently published NAP4 audit conducted by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society, UK.


If tracheal intubation is not considered to be indicated but there is some (small) increased concern about regurgitation risk, a second generation supraglottic airway is a more logical choice than a first generation one.


In patients considered to be at low-risk of aspiration who have other factors that mean that use of a SAD is at the limits of normality (e.g. patient position, access to the airway, patient size) consideration should be given to use of a second generation SAD.


In view of the above recommendations, and the frequency of these circumstances, it is recommended that all hospitals have second generation SADs available for both routine use and rescue airway management.

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