Lead Backed Drywall for X-Ray Rooms
From Other Radiation Shielding Products
We can provide it on either 1/2' non-rated or 5/8' fire rated sheetrock gypsum wall board. Our board meets ASTM C1396, and the pure sheet lead we use meets Federal Specification QQ-L-201 F, Grade C and ASTM B749-03, Type L51121 factory laminated under pressure to the back side of the drywall. It is custom manufactured to customer specifications and is typically available in 5 days. Standard size is 4ft x 7ft lead on 8ft board. Typical fabrication time is 2 days. Available in 1/2' and 5/8” drywall (5/8' standard). Includes one 2' vertical batten strip per sheet for joints and 50 lead discs per sheet that can be placed over the screw heads. We have 11 standard lead thicknesses for lead lined drywall ranging from 1/64' (1#) to 1/4' (16#). We can fabricate lead lined plywood for heavier lead thicknesses from 1/8' (8#) to 2' (120#). Lead height is the federal minimum of 7'0'. Lead can optionally be up to 12'0' high (standard is 7' lead on 8' board).
Radiation Shielding With Lead Backed Drywall
Lead lined drywall is the preferred choice when constructing a room that requires shielding from radiation. Lead backed drywall, also known as lead lined sheetrock, lead lined wall board or lead backed gypsum, offers effective protection against radiation. It is commonly used in the construction of x-ray rooms and other medical facilities where radiation safety is a concern. Radiation shielding with lead backed drywall is an important part of keeping both patients and staff safe from the harmful effects of radiation exposure.
Why Protecting Against Radiation With Lead Backed Drywall Is Essential
Radiation exposure can have harmful effects on the human body, including DNA damage and skin burns. Lead is an effective shielding material because it absorbs and scatters radiation. When lead is used in drywall, it forms a barrier that helps to protect against harmful radiation exposure. In addition to lead windows and lead lined frames, lead backed drywall must be used in radiation producing rooms such as CT Scanners, General X-Ray Rooms, Fluoroscopy, PET Scanner Rooms and anywhere else radiation imaging or therapy is taking place. It is, however, important to note that lead backed drywall is not to be used in MRI rooms.
Why Use Lead Backed Gypsum / Lead Backed Drywall?
Lead backed drywall is used across a wide array of industries due to its safety, price, and efficiency. Lead backed gypsum / drywall is also extremely versatile, and can be customized in size and shape in the field, which means that no pre-cutting is required. In addition to its superior lead shielding properties, lead backed drywall is:
- Non-flammable
- Resistant to mold and mildew
- Easy to install
- Durable and long lasting
- Reduced noise transmission
- Eco-friendly
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