Retinal Detachment Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by bon Optic Vertriebsges.mbHbased in GERMANY
Keeler Cryomatic II Cryo Console for cryopexy treatment of retinal detachments. Perfection Evolved: Building on the exceptional reliability of its predecessor, the Cryomatic MK II delivers quality and versatility when using either disposable or reusable probes. The Cryomatic MK IIs new coupling system allows you to connect either a single use disposable or ...
Manufactured by Volk Opticalbased in USA
Experience wide field, distortion-free visualization of the retina from the nerve head and macula, up to the ora serrata, designed for detection and treatment of retinal abnormalities like peripheral retinal tears, peripheral retinal detachments, giant retinal tears etc. The 30 mm lens surface offers a large, ...
Manufactured by Ocular Instrumentsbased in USA
Model provides superior demonstration and training of common ophthalmic imaging devices. This eye model incorporates many useful features not available in other eye models, including a retinal detachment showing an elevated retina, a foreign body, optic disc, and blood vessels. In addition, fluorescent features within the eye allow simulated fluorescein imaging. ...
Manufactured by Quantel Medicalbased in FRANCE
Quantel Medical has made a decisive leap forward with a new 5 ring annular technology on a 20 MHz probe. The principe is to emit alternating ultrasounds by 5 concentric transducers located in a single probe. The images thus obtained are spectacular as the entire eye is now visible with an exceptional level of ...
Manufactured by Moria SAbased in FRANCE
Castroviejo scissors. 10mm blades, half curved and blunt, for conjunctiva. Can be used to cut tissues during cataract surgery, detached retina, and chalazion ...
Manufactured by 3B Scientific GmbHbased in GERMANY
This human eye model by 3B Scientific® shows an eye enlarged by a factor of 5. It is a perfect tool to assists the healthcare professional in educating patients in the anatomy and changes of the human ...
Manufactured by VEO Ophthalmics, LLCbased in USA
The CUSTOMFLEX® ARTIFICIALIRIS is intended for use as an iris prosthesis for the treatment of iris defects. The CUSTOMFLEX® ARTIFICIALIRIS is indicated for use in children and adults for the treatment of full or partial aniridia resulting from congenital aniridia, acquired defects, or other conditions associated with full or partial aniridia. When implanted, the CUSTOMFLEX® ...
Manufactured by Konan Medical USA, Inc.based in USA
Checking pupils for an APD is an important part of the comprehensive eye exam, and is recommended in the AAO’s Preferred Practice Patterns for POAG suspects and patients, however the swinging flashlight method is difficult for humans to do well, and even more difficult and time consuming to accurately quantify. Importantly, there is evidence that subtle APDs may be clinically significant. ...
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