Real-Time PCR Equipment Supplied In Asia & Middle East
Distributed by Hangzhou Allsheng Instruments Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
AL-Gene 162/164 real time PCR, with 2-channel/4-channel, 16-well, portable and convenient for on-site rapid inspection and quarantine, disease prevention and control, food safety, agriculture, forestry and biochemistry and other occasions, is a real-time detection portable fluorescence quantitative ...
Manufactured by HRJ-BIObased in CHINA
Innovative scanrw>g method and time-resolved stgnal separation technology to improve detection ...
Manufactured by HRJ-BIObased in CHINA
Advantages: Detecting 16 samples at the same time. 4 fluorescence channels. Light & compact, the weight is only 4kg. It can be used with vehicle power supply for immediate onsite detection. Built-in software with large screen panel for ease of use, no need additional computer. 7-inch color touch screen shows all parameters, test results and real ...
Manufactured by Medsource Ozone Biomedicals Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
State of the art, best in class, high throughput real time PCR cycler; CMOS camera with extraordinary ability for gradient and multiplexed handling. Supports fast mode for high throughput testing and low TAT. Highest quality Ferrotec Peltier for unsurpassable thermal performance. Long Life LED excitation needs no maintenance or preheating. ...
Manufactured by Cole-Parmer - Antylia Scientificbased in USA
The PCRmax Eco 48 utilises patented block and optical technologies to deliver extreme speed, sensitivity and data quality, with optimised protocol as fast as 15 minutes, all using standard plasticware and consumables, sensitivity down to 1 copy detection and the world most accurate block the Eco 48 will deliver Speed. Confidence. Performance. Value and ...
Manufactured by OPTOLANE Technologies Inc.based in SOUTH KOREA
LOAA Analyzer is Real-time PCR instrument which is an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical device used to amplify specific genes (DNA or RNA) designed for use with cartridges. PCR reaction data is automatically analyzed by the dedicated software installed in the device and results are delivered to users through on-screen ...
Manufactured by Zinexts Life Science Corp.based in TAIWAN
RTA® REAL TIME PCR KITs are the Real-Time PCR-based diagnostic tests for the in vitro qualitative detection and discrimination of HBV, HCV, CMV, HIV, BKV, EBV, etc. ...
Manufactured by Infitek Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
On board software with large screen panel, easy for use:7-inch color touch screen shows all parameters, test results and real time testing ...
Manufactured by Zhengzhou Mingyi Instrument Equipment Co.,Ltdbased in CHINA
Friendly interface and clearly functional modules design. First-time users can easily start a new experiment. All experiment data and setting options are shown conveniently on a single interface. Instrument Management allow you managing all the Gentiers in the WLAN. More than thousands results can be stored in device. ...
Manufactured by Zhengzhou Mingyi Instrument Equipment Co.,Ltdbased in CHINA
Q1600 Real-Time PCR System is a portable fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument developed by MINGYI TECHNOLOGY company. This product adopts dual-channel and double 8-well blocks, which can run two different files ...
Manufactured by LG Chem, Ltd.based in SOUTH KOREA
Intended Use: A reagent for in vitro diagnostic devices that qualitatively detect Clostridium difficile present in human feces or cultured bacteria using PCR test. System: SLAN-96P - Device used to amplify a specific gene (DNA) for diagnosis of ...
Manufactured by Agilent Technologies, Inc.based in USA
Total Confidence qPCR delivering flexibility, precision, and performance. The AriaMx Real-Time PCR System is a fully integrated quantitative PCR amplification, detection, and data analysis system. The system design combines a state-of-the-art thermal cycler, an advanced optical system with an LED excitation source, and complete ...
Manufactured by Infitek Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
As a necessary choice for quantitative analysis of molecular biology, real-time PCR system has been widely used in various fields such as scientific research, clinical detection and diagnosis, quality and safety testing, and forensic ...
Distributed by Axonia Medicalbased in SINGAPORE
The variable excitation capability allows greater sensitivity for longer wavelength (red) dyes. Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument with SDS Software is a real-time nucleic acid amplification and five-color fluorescence detection system available for in vitro diagnostic use. The 7500 Fast Dx ...
Manufactured by Zhengzhou Mingyi Instrument Equipment Co.,Ltdbased in CHINA
Q3200 Real-Time PCR System is a portable fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument developed by MINGYI TECHNOLOGY company. This product adopts 2 and 4 channels and double 16-well blocks, which can run two different files ...
Manufactured by KogeneBiotechbased in SOUTH KOREA
One particular matter of concern to consumers has been the proper labeling of food products that have been produced using GM technology. PowerChek™ GMO Screening Real-time PCR Kit series provide a wide range of testing options for the qualitative detection of GM ingredients in food, feed, and raw materials based on ...
Manufactured by KogeneBiotechbased in SOUTH KOREA
Reliable detection methods for food allergens are necessary to ensure compliance with food labeling and to improve consumer protection.PowerChek Allergen Real-time PCR Kit seriesprovide the fast and accurate testing solution for use by feed, food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and ...
Manufactured by Xi`an Tianlong Science and Technology Co., Ltdbased in CHINA
Based on TIANLONG's years of application-oriented R&D, Gentier Mini Portable Real-Time PCR System is developed and launched to meet the increasing needs for on-site and rapid testing. This product is compact and portable, easy to use, high efficiency in real-time PCR testing with accurate ...
Manufactured by Liferiver Bio-Tech (United States) Corp.based in USA
LightCycler 1.0 (Internal control can't be used for this system); LightCycler 2.0; PE5700, MJ-Opticon & other single color systems; ABI7000, ABI7300, ABI7500, ABI7900, ABI StepOne, StepOne plus, MJ-Opticon2, MJ-chromo4, MX3000P, MX3005P, Smart Cycler II, Rotor-Gene 6000, LightCycler 480, CFX 96, Slan 96, MIC, iCycler iQ4, iCycler iQ5 & other multi-color ...
Manufactured by GenoSensor Corporationbased in USA
Provide all-in-one master mix including cDNA synthesis, PCR mix, primers and probe of each ...
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