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Elite PCR Assay Equipment & Supplies

2 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by ELITechGroup
    based in FRANCE

    Aspergillosis is the most common cause of fungal infection among stem cell and solid organ transplant recipients, resulting in high mortality if untreated. Patients with weakened immune system and lung diseases are at higher risk of developing severe outcomes. Early detection and quantification of Aspergillus with molecular methods is crucial to isolate infected patients and provide an ...

  • Manufactured by ELITechGroup
    based in FRANCE

    Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is an opportunistic disease caused by invasion of the unicellular fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii (PJ). In lungs PJ exists in trophic and cystis form and it is one of the most frequent and severe opportunistic infections in people with weakened immune systems. PCP a major cause of morbidity and mortality among HIV-infected patient, nowadays reduced with ART, moreover, ...

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