Patient Transport Equipment & Supplies Near Zimbabwe

272 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Arjo Sverige AB
    based in SWEDEN

    Maxi 500 floor lifter has been designed to help caregivers transfer dependent patients or residents in hospitals, nursing homes, homecare environments or other assisted living ...

  • Manufactured by LINET spol. s.r.o.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    Pura was designed to adjust processes of patient-handling, in order to treat patients efficiently and cost effective without any compromises for the patient and ...

  • Manufactured by Perimed AB
    based in SWEDEN

    PeriFlux 6000 has the capability to export these results to other systems in your hospital, e.g. your hospital information system (HIS), your medical records system, your patient administration system/booking system or your Picture Archive (PACS). The standards for this connectivity are DICOM and HL7. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is dedicated mainly to ...

  • Manufactured by Medtronic
    based in USA

    Simplify your circuit with the first oxygenator featuring integrated monitoring. The Nautilus™* Smart ECMO Module improves long-term gas transfer1 while providing real-time device performance data accessible from an intuitive touch screen. ...

  • Manufactured by Arjo Sverige AB
    based in SWEDEN

    Maintaining patient dignity is vitally important for caregivers. This is especially so for patients of size who dislike the extra attention and perceived stigma associated with use of specialist bariatric equipment while in the ...

  • Manufactured by Arjo Sverige AB
    based in SWEDEN

    Maxi Move is designed to enable a single caregiver to manage demanding everyday patient or resident transfer and repositioning tasks. It is a versatile solution that can be adapted using a variety of spreader bars to accommodate patient transfer ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The RAPIDPoint® 500e System elevates Siemens Healthineers blood gas offering to a new level, allowing you to spend more time focused on patient care. Implement a proven end-to-end blood gas solution that reduces the daily burden of device management and enables you to give your full care and attention where it matters most. With an improved user experience, the analyzer ...


    Patient transport ambulance: Road ambulance designed and equipped for the transport of patients who are expected to become emergency patients. Two types of patient transport ambulance exist: Type A1: Suitable for transport of single patient. ...

  • Manufactured by Savion Industries
    based in ISRAEL

    The ES710 is a 2-section emergency and transportation stretcher / patient trolley, with twin-pedestal stability and adjustable backrest functions (to 90º), and hands-free hydraulic trendelenburg and reverse trendelenburg functions (+/- 17º). All ES710, ES711 and ES709 models are fitted with large 200mm (8”) central-locking castors, with ...

  • Manufactured by Savion Industries
    based in ISRAEL

    A fixed height emergency and transportation stretcher - the ES709 is intended primarily for patient transportation. The platform height can be set at one of 5 different height settings as required by the nursing staff. The ES709 is fitted with full-length pneumatically assisted fold-under side-rails or with ¾ length collapsible side-rails. ...

  • Manufactured by Brainlab AG
    based in GERMANY

    Experience new surgical possibilities with Loop-X. Get your hands on this mobile imaging robot. Enter full screen mode and click through the different O.R. tables. Want to see how Loop-X will look in your operating room? Scan the QR code or click the AR button to begin your augmented reality experience and place Loop-X in your ...

  • Manufactured by Brainlab AG
    based in GERMANY

    Powerful, portable and minimalistic surgical navigation for surgeons seeking focused ...

  • based in TURKEY

    Latest Generation full steer System on CYCLONE Procedural Stretcher is designed to reduce the physical strain easy to steer and stop while allowing for crisp cornering and control. CYCLONE Procedural Stretcher allows you to create the ideal solution to enhance patient comfort. The CYCLONE Procedural Stretcher’s heavy-gauge steel reinforced frame 320 kg (705,5 lb) weight ...

  • based in TURKEY

    It is equipped with many sophisticated functions, including smart properties makes patient care easier and provides care to a higher level. Meet with the CURA 5000 improve your patients comfort, safety and satisfaction. You may choose the correct bed for each care and medical application, patient conditions and ...

  • based in TURKEY

    CYCLONE Transport Stretcher allows you to create the ideal solution to enhance patient comfort. The CYCLONE Transport Stretcher’s heavy-gauge steel reinforced frame 320 kg (705,5 lb) weight capacity to handle patients of varying size. The stretcher integrates well with emergency room equipment. ...

  • Manufactured by MESPA
    based in TURKEY

    Gas spring assisted backrest adjustment. Telescopic IV pole. Collapsible, full length side rails with safety lock mechanism. Easily cleanable, compact laminate two section mattress platform. 4 units of IV pole sockets and accessory sockets. Anti-microbial, water proof, flame retardant, air-permeable mattress. Detachable ergonomic pushing bars. Lockable ...

  • Manufactured by Biotexray S.A
    based in GREECE

    PRIMUS of OsteoSys brings innovation in measurement of bone density by Total Body Assessment function, which provides a total body image, assessing the whole structure through AUTO ROI and segmentation software. The DXA narrow fan beam technology provides accuracy in measurements of body composition (tissue mass, lean mass and fat ...

  • based in TURKEY

    MED-COVER Adjustable First Aid Collar is necessary to avoid the compression of the cervical rachis for a poly-traumatized patient during moving transportation. ...

  • based in INDIA

    FRP Ambulance Boat is used to attend & transport patients through water ways. FEATURES: Available in various sitting capacities,Equipped with essential medical equipment, battery & solar charging system,Equipped with standard boat accessories,Equipped with fire & safety ...

  • based in INDIA

    The BPL M-RAD 3.6 with its ultra high frequency (100KHz) technology ensures that only a useful dose is produced over the entire duration of the exposure while suppressing the skin dose. Being easy to maneuver, it is ideally suitable for Intensive care,cardiac care, bedside radiography in patient wards, where transporting the patient to the ...

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