Clarus Patient Safety Equipment & Supplies Near Africa
Manufactured by Clarus Medical, LLCbased in USA
The Clarus Shikani Pediatric Stylet: A simple, portable, durable, soakable and affordable scope for your smallest ...
Manufactured by Clarus Medical, LLCbased in USA
Recently added to ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm, Clarus Viewing Scopes have been a trusted choice for thousands in airway management. Portable, affordable and easy to use and integrate into your airway routine, these scopes are perfect for hospital, ambulatory centers, and even personal airway bags. ...
Manufactured by Clarus Medical, LLCbased in USA
The Clarus Levitan Fiberoptic Stylet Has Been A Cornerstone Of The Difficult Airway Curriculum For Over A Decade. With years of strong clinical support and recent inclusion in the ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm, the Levitan is the trusted choice for thousands of doctors ...
Manufactured by Clarus Medical, LLCbased in USA
Perfect for difficult airways but simple enough to use for every routine intubation. Availability of fiberoptics continues to be a major cause of airway disasters. Clarus Scope affordability allows you to have your very own fiberoptic scope that will ...
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