Patient Care Equipment Supplied In USA

650 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Beckman Coulter, Inc.
    based in USA

    Streamline workflow and maximize staff walkaway time with the DxH 690T hematology analyzer. This 5-part differential CBC analyzer helps you give your patients rapid results, while enabling your technologists to simplify processes and reduce manual tasks. The benchtop system includes the same automated capabilities and industry-leading 93% first-pass yield of our full-featured DxH ...

  • Manufactured by Medtronic
    based in USA

    Durepair Regeneration Matrix is a non-synthetic dura substitute used to repair defects in the ...

  • based in USA

    The LifeWindow Lite is multi-parameter patient monitor. The device features an intuitive 8.4-inch touch screen user interface and is equipped with class leading measurement technology. The unit also includes several features for enhanced and easy to use operations. Features include ability to admit and discharge patients and save all vital signs information on ...

  • Manufactured by Origin Medical Devices
    based in USA

    Large 15" touch display. Ventilation platform designed for the sickest patients with true critical care performance. Combination of 3 devices into 1 easy to use product – Invasive, NIV and High Flow O2 Therapy. A global solution for all patients - no need for compressed gas or expensive maintenance. A variety of synchrony related features ...

  • based in USA

    The T2SARS-CoV-2 Panel, run on the T2Dx® Instrument, is a qualitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and T2 Magnetic Resonance (T2MR®) test. This test is designed for the direct detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 in upper respiratory specimens in transport media from individuals with signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The Panel is commercially available and ...

  • based in USA

    Individuals who cannot perform typical spirometry tests, such as the elderly, pediatric or patients with neuromuscular disease are often the patients who need accurate test results the most. That's where the Resmon PRO FULL (V3) comes in. With just normal breathing from the patient, the Resmon PRO FULL (V3) can measure the mechanical properties ...

  • based in USA

    The GoSpiro® spirometer, an MTI proprietary device and app, is the first spirometer designed for connected health applications and remote patient monitoring. This device provides diagnostic quality test results and delivers spirometry data that is reimbursable and able to be conducted at home or in a clinic. ...

  • based in USA

    A cantilevered low attenuation carbon-fiber tabletop, with choice of contoured or rectangular design, accommodates portable or ceiling-suspended C-Arms. Its large radiolucent area, motorized actuation of height, and free-float tabletop make it ideal for pain care, cardiovascular and interventional radiology applications. The 24"-wide by 75"-long radiolucent area allows for full ...

  • based in USA

    The SCoV-2 Detect™ IgG Rapid Test is an in vitro lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay intended for the qualitative detection of IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in human serum, plasma (sodium citrate, dipotassium EDTA and sodium heparin), venous whole blood (sodium citrate, dipotassium EDTA and sodium heparin), and fingerstick whole blood. The SCoV-2 Detect™ IgG Rapid Test is ...

  • Manufactured by NovaFlux
    based in USA

    ClearFlux is a dialyzer reprocessing machine capable of restoring dialyzer function to approximately the baseline value for every single reuse. Unlike existing devices, ClearFlux ensures virtually no loss in dialyzer performance for up to 40 treatments. Additionally, this device is proven to maintain optimal small and middle-molecules clearance. The ClearFlux System represents a major advance in ...

  • Manufactured by Mercury Biomed
    based in USA

    Actively warming patients to achieve normal body temperature in the perioperative period is the standard of care. Hypothermia in the OR is associated with adverse outcomes including surgical site infections, impaired drug metabolism and cardiac ...

  • Manufactured by Centinel Spine
    based in USA

    Delivering the Results Surgeons Demand: Delivering gold standard clinical outcomes with a simple, comprehensive posterior cervical-thoracic stabilization system. Minimize tissue irritation for enhanced patient comfort with a low-profile screw and rod system, Simple rod placement resulting from friction stabilized tulip head, Streamlined surgical procedure performed with simple, ...

  • Manufactured by Sizewise
    based in USA

    Immerse™ is a full-body therapeutic mattress system that provides active pressure redistribution when mobility, moisture, and/or inactivity are a concern. It is indicated for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries/ulcers, including post-operative care of pressure injuries and flaps/grafts. Immersion mode promotes proper envelopment to effectively manage the ...

  • Manufactured by ICU Medical, Inc.
    based in USA

    With the ChemoLock needlefree CSTD, it has never been easier to keep yourself safe from exposure to hazardous drugs. Treating cancer patients takes compassion—it shouldn’t take a toll on your health. But the fact is, while chemotherapy is the backbone of medical oncology, these powerful medications—along with many others—are extremely toxic to the ...

  • Manufactured by Simulab Corporation
    based in USA

    Simulab's FemoraLineMan System is an ultrasound-compatible femoral line vascular access trainer. The product offers an effective training solution for central venous or arterial access at the femoral site. ...

  • Manufactured by Draminski S.A.
    based in POLAND

    Meets the requirements of doctors who appreciate mobility, unusual durability of the device and a very long, as much as 4.5 hours battery run time. Designed for a basic ultrasound scanning performed even in the most difficult site and weather ...

  • Manufactured by Origin Medical Devices
    based in USA

    12" touch display. ICU performance in smaller, more portable ventilator. Ventilation platform designed for the sickest patients with true critical care performance. Combination of 3 devices into 1 easy to use product – Invasive, NIV and High Flow O2 Therapy. Blower based with patented valve supports provides very high performance. A variety of synchrony ...

  • Manufactured by Shared Imaging
    based in USA

    Shared Imaging provides PET/CT technology to hospitals, imaging centers, ambulatory/ED’s, and clinics. The company offers customizable solutions with technology options from various OEMs, allowing for tailored software packages, accessories such as injectors, and slice count configurations. PET/CT scanners integrate positron emission tomography (PET) with computed tomography (CT), enabling ...

  • based in USA

    Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea are at a significantly higher risk for developing hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and sudden death. Home sleep testing allows patients to be tested with ease in their own ...

  • Manufactured by Access Bio
    based in USA

    The CareStart™ COVID-19 Antigen Test is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay intended for the qualitative detection of the nucleocapsid protein antigen from SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal or anterior nasal swab specimens directly collected from individuals who are either suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare provider within the first five days of symptom onset or from individuals ...

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