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Clinical Testing Equipment & Supplies

2 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by MDxHealth
    based in USA

    SelectMDx Helps Physicians Determine if a Patient is at Higher or Lower Risk for Prostate Cancer and Which Men Can Safely Avoid Biopsy. A non-invasive urine test (“liquid biopsy”), SelectMDx measures the expression of two mRNA cancer-related biomarkers (HOXC6 and DLX1).1 The test provides binary results that, when combined with the patient’s ...

  • Manufactured by MDxHealth
    based in USA

    ConfirmMDx Addresses Prostate Biopsy Sampling Error and the False-Negative Biopsy Dilemma. “Rule-in” high-risk men who have had a previous negative biopsy result, may be harboring undetected cancer (a false-negative biopsy result), and therefore may benefit from a repeat biopsy and appropriate treatment. “Rule-out” otherwise cancer-free men from undergoing unnecessary ...

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