Zhejiang Kangle Capsule Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Kangle Capsule Co., Ltd.

- Model 2 - Gelatin Empty Capsule



Widely used in medicine and health products capsule products. The cone of the capsule ensures smooth locking with the capsule cap. Dual locking system provides a full range of tight locking. The exhaust hole can ensure the gas discharge when the capsule is filled at high speed.


  • Semi-round spherical cap has strong mechanical stability, more able to resist external damage
  • Available in a wide variety of sizes
  • Pantone color and printing can be customized
  • Comply with cGMP requirements for production
  • Trace the whole process through a recognized quality assurance system

Our capsule products can provide a variety of printing methods such as circular, axial, directional and two-color printing, which can present customers' unique customized appearance. In line with and higher than the 2015 edition of the People's Republic of China Pharmacopoeia four standard requirements.

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