InMotion - Model ARM - Neurological Rehabilitation Robot
InMotion® Interactive Therapy enables clinicians to efficiently deliver intensive motor therapy to help patients regain motor function following a neurological condition or injury. This new generation InMotion ARM® is an evidence-based neurorehabilitation technology that provides patients with real-time Assistance-as-Needed™. The InMotion ARM® quietly monitors the patient’s movements during therapy while it gently assists where needed to help them complete various motor therapy activities. The InMotion® Robots are used for neurorehabilitation in over 20 countries, including the United States. Extensive research has shown InMotion® robots to be effective for wide range of motor impairments including: Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, hemiplegic shoulder pain and muscle spasticity.
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Product Details
Robotic Assisted Shoulder & Elbow Therapy for Impairments from:
- Stroke
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson's Disease
- Cerebral Palsy
- and Other Neurological Conditions or Injuries
InMotion® ARM is here to help!
- Task-specific training
- No active patient movement required
- Fast and efficient setup
- Easy-to-Learn / Easy-to-Use
- Evidence-based treatment protocols
- Over 1,000 movements per session
- 40% smaller footprint than the previous generation InMotion ARM®
- Wireless report printing – no cables crossing the floor!
- Easy patient start-up, easy to clean and easy to shut-down when done for the day
Tailor motor therapy to the patient’s needs with adaptive therapy protocols and easy-to-use InMotion® Software:
- Simple menus
- Streamlined workflow
- Easy report generation
Quantifies upper extremity motor control and movement recovery allowing clinicians to distinguish true recovery from compensation. Correlated with traditional assessment scales: Fugl-meyer, Motor-Power and NIH stroke scale performance*.
- Shoulder stabilization
- Smoothness of arm movement
- Arms ability to move against resistance
- Mean and maximum arm speed
- Arm reaching error
- Joint independence
- Determine medical necessity
- Justify continuation of treatment based upon measurable gains
- 1000+ patients
- Large multi-site randomized controlled clinical trials
- Easy to use technology allows for high repetition
- 400-1000 reps/session
- Task specific to reduce impairments in the affected limb(s) focusing on improving patient’s:
- Range of Motion
- Coordination
- Strength
- Movement Speed
- Movement Smoothness
- Easy-to-use, grab and go set up
- Direct wheel chair access
- Print patient progress reports directly from the robot
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